A Virtual Tour of Cathy's Kids!


A Virtual Tour of Cathy's Kids

-Read an article "The Power of Play"

Math readiness page

Kindergarten readiness page

About Cathy

Art Center

Children learn through Art Play:
  •  They learn that the process of art is more important than the product when art is a free-choice activity.  They are free to create whatever they wish, not what the teacher is directing them to create.
  • Mixing colors can be explored with Tempera and watercolor paints.
  • Small muscle and eye-hand coordination are enhanced.
  • Creativity, expression of original ideas, pride in their accomplishments are developed.

A variety of materials are available for children to explore drawing, painting, pasting, molding, and constructing daily.

While engaging in art activities, children are learning  self-expression.  I once read an article telling about an art exhibit for children with AIDS.  When asked "Why art?" the child replied "Art lets the sad out."  Art is not teacher directed.  Children have free choice of the art materials, including pouring and mixing their own paint.


Blocks Center

Children learn through Block Play:
  • about geometric shapes, weight, height, depth, balance, and size
  • Solving problems as they make decisions about how to build a structure.
  • to play cooperatively as they negotiate for materials,
  • to discuss ideas for the structure they are building, and respect each others' viewpoints.
  • imagination skills as they create original structures.

Our hardwood unit blocks were my first purchase when I received a childcare grant.  This is because they are one of the most valuable learning materials I offer.  


Computer Center


Children learn through Technology:
  • eye-hand coordination
  • How to operate a computer, and be comfortable with technology
  • problem-solving
  • sharing and taking turns with their friends
  • Kindergarten-readiness skills taught through preschool software


  • We live in a fast-paced computer-driven world. Early exposure to technology helps children grow to live successfully in their world.

Dramatic Play Center


Children Learn through Dramatic Play:
  • taking on roles and recreating real-life experiences help children learn to cope in their world.
  • New vocabulary is learned and practiced as children pretend.
  • Cooperative play is learned as children pretend with their friends.
  • abstract thought is practiced as children invent play scenarios

As children role-play, they help make sense of the world they live in.  They may work through their fear of getting an immunization by playing doctor, and practice the real-world skills of parenting as they "play house".

Library Center














  Children Learn in the Library and Listening Centers:
  • It's a place where children gain a foundation for reading and writing.
  • It's also a quiet place for children to relax and enjoy books!

I own a large collection of children's books - a hobby I have entertained for 17 years now.  I have over 2000 titles of quality children's literature available!  We read stories aloud daily, and have a listening center where children can "read" books as they listen to tapes.


Music and Movement Center



Children Learn through Music and Movement:

  • music appreciation

  • rhythm

  • self-expression through movement

  • physical exercise

  • How to sing tunefully

Music and movement activities occur daily at Cathy's Kids.  We sing with the guitar, dance and learn about rhythm as we listen to various styles of music.  I also give guitar lessons to school age children!


Outdoor Center


  Children learn in the Outdoor Center:
  • physical exercise in fresh air
  • the limitations of his or her body
  • large muscle coordination
  • running, jumping, hopping, skipping
  • safety and caution

Children learn about nature and science as they experience the outdoors - bird and hummingbird feeders, ant hills, grasshoppers - the sky's the limit when we explore outdoors in the rural area of our childcare.  We have even seen deer in the yard eating grass!  We watch the seasons change and weather.  We can have experiences using all our senses!


Media (Sand/Water) Center


Children learn while Playing in Sand and Water:
  • They learn math skills as they explore volume and mass.
  • Fine motor skills are enhanced as they scoop and pour.
  • Science skills like sink and float are discovered.


Sand and water are soothing to children.  They can relax as they play with these medias.  There is no final product to worry about as the process of play occurs in sand or water.  These experiences are available both indoors and outdoors at Cathy's Kids.

Science Discovery Center









Our science center contains LOTS of pets!

  Our Pet Anole, "Will"

"Bernini" is our Red-Eared Slider Turtle.              

Science Discovery is important for children:
  • Children learn about their world as they learn science.
  • Exploring, observing, questioning, predicting, and investigating are part of science.
  • Problem-solving and communication are enhanced as children study science.
  • Children learn about cause and effect as they observe and discuss science.
  • Children learn to care about living things and the earth as they study plants, animals, and nature.

I take a special interest in science, and you will find us studying many science topics - we have real caterpillars that change into butterflies every Spring, Walking Stick Bug Insects, Anole Lizards, Geckos, Hermit Crabs, Turtles, Tree Frogs and Fire-Belly Toads!  (I recently had to give away my birds - a cockatiel named Echo and finches) due to my asthma.)

Table Toys (Math and Games) Center

Children learn with Table Toys in the Math Center:
  • Children can choose to work alone or with friends at the table toys center.
  • they gain self-confidence as they complete tasks such as putting together a puzzle.
  • Eye-hand coordination and fine muscle strength and control are refined as children interact with the manipulatives in this area.
  • math concepts such as counting, sorting, and patterning naturally happen when children are exposed to these play materials.
  • They are learning how to learn as the explore these materials.

Some examples of table toys include table blocks, puzzles, small construction materials, board games, and collections of objects to explore.

Writing Center / ABC Center


Children learn while playing in the Writing Center and ABC Center:
  • Writing is such an important skill that I have an entire center set up for children to use.
  • stencils, envelopes, paper, pens and pencils, paper punches and rulers are some of the materials included in the writing center.  When I can find a working electric or manual typewriter, I include it also.
  • The ABC center is a place where children can find alphabet books, games, manipulatives, and stencils. 

By designating spots called the "ABC Center" and the "Writing Center", I am emphasizing to children about the importance of literacy.

product graphic Some of the information for this page came from

Dodge, D.T., Colker, L.J., Heroman, C. (2002). The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, 4th Edition.  Washington, D.C.: Teaching Strategies, Inc.  pp. 403-421. 

Link to the Creative Curriculum Site here:  http://www.teachingstrategies.com/


"Knowledge arises neither from objects nor the child, but from interactions between the child and those objects."
-- Jean Piaget